A dear friend of mine is expecting her first baby in October and two of us went to visit her in LA this past weekend. In addition to girl time, we helped her and her husband with their Baby Registry. First we worked on their registry at Babies R Us. Then the next day we headed to Pottery Barn Kids for the textiles and room decor. Having a baby and a Pre-schooler, it is easy to forget how over whelming all of the baby stuff is when you are planning for your first baby. The rest of the weekend we would point our gear that Moms and Dads we saw were using. I think we were all beat but they had a good introduction to baby stuff by the time we got done!
A couple of our favorite things we were sure to tell them about were:
Aden + Anais Blankets
My Breastfriend Nursing Pillows
The Container Store's wooden children's hangers
Thank you for reminding me about the hangers! I'd just forgotten!! P.S. I got my breastfriend as the first gift! xoxoxoxo