Growing up I LOVED photo albums. I spent hours in my college sorority crafting fancy photo collages in albums to capture every single event we had. What happened as I got older? Somehow I lost that drive to keep up on my photo albums. I guess with the digital photo age it got easy to just load the photos on the computer and think of that as your album.
Well, I've decided to play catch up and update our family album. I am behind...I mean really behind. Aside from a couple of photo purchases for gifts, I have not had photos printed in a long time. Yesterday, I sat down for an hour and picked out pictures to order. I had no idea where to start..so I randomly just chose to start with pictures starting with my daughters 2nd birthday (she's 3 now). I ordered 208 pictures yesterday!
I am not even going to put them away in the photo box....they are going straight into the albums. I also purchased some extras to send to the Grandmas for Mother's Day. The other project is that I want to do some in frames (I like the Pottery Barn Gallery Frames) for the house because I realized the only framed photos we have in are a couple from our wedding and one of our cat!