Saturday, January 2, 2010

Where to start....

We have a busy 2010 ahead of us. First, coming up this month I am due with our second baby. Then later in the Spring, we are moving...not down the street but across the country! So I have got my hands full with organizing projects around my house.

With the end of the Holiday Season, I thought it would be a great time to do multiple projects at once. A scary thought, but if you can plan it right, it can be a real time saver.

Things I need to do over the next couple of weeks:
1) Take down Christmas decorations. Pack them to move, not just to store.
2) Make room for baby (especially in this small house).
3) Begin to pack and ready our house to sell.

Today is start day. We are going to take down our decorations and pack them up. At the same time, I will be cleaning out the kitchen cabinets of any holiday kitchen wares and packing them to move. We rented a storage spot to clear out our house so that we can make sure things are straightened up for when it is time to hold open house. We'll be making a few trips over there the rest of the weekend to move out Christmas!

Once I get this done, I am on to finishing up getting ready for baby.


  1. You inspired me to get off the couch and take down the Christmas decorations! It feels so good to have that all done.

  2. Ha - since we weren't going to be around for a while, we gave the Christmas tree to the cleaning lady./ We did get the rest of our decorations down saturday night and put them away yesterday - I can't imagine packing them to move! You have your hands full Mol, but you can do it!
