I love lists (as you can imagine) and nothing is like getting to check off completed tasks. Well, we have made great head way on our post Christmas list. We can check off items 1 and 2- Christmas is packed away. And we finished getting ready for baby #2 (who will be here any day now).
Item #3 on our list, packing (and getting ready) to sell our house for our big move across country is well underway too. This last weekend we were able to begin to stage our house. Our agent, gave us a list of things to do before we begin to show it. Things from rearranging furniture to putting in new carpet on the stairs. We easily got done cleaning out the book shelves (she suggested cutting the number of books in half). Next up, is clearing off those kitchen counters. A while ago I had written a post with an organizers trick of making yourself look more organized by clearing off the kitchen counters. I love it and have to say our counters are pretty clear, except for my beloved KitchenAid mixer. It's going to need a home under the counter...I guess not everyone finds a KitchenAid mixer as visually appealing as me! So the kitchen is our next tasks. While finding a home for KitchenAid, I will be packing kitchen accessories that I am not going to need while we remain here in our home.
Anyway, we are going to work hard to finish up the large and small projects. Thank goodness for the nesting instinct....because it is real and has given me a world of energy to get things done!