I was cleaning up in the garage this afternoon and came across a Ziploc "Big Bag". They came out with these a while ago, maybe a year, and I have used 2 of 3 that came in the box. I have decided that I don't like them as a storage solution (now I only mean the these extra large storage bags, not their regular food storage products).
The main reasons why I don't like them is when you fill them, they are very awkward and bluky to store. They don't stand up on their side well, nor do they flatten out well. They also become heavy quickly. Their website suggests among a variety of things, to store books, photo albums in them. A storage box is a better alternative to storing books and photo albums.
I think there are better alternatives out there. Any ideas what these bags are good for? Anybody just love them?
I didn't even know these existed. But I hate them because you do. I'm such a follower.